Exhibition title: Photochemical painting
In Merantzas' photo chemical painting camera and film are absent. The artist takes advantage of the qualities and reactions to chemicals of the black and white photographic paper to produce images which even though they appear to be the result of mechanical reproduction, are, in fact, original paintings; the strong gestural hand motions being a trademark of this series. Merantzas replaces the common painting materials (oil, ink etc.) with photo processing chemicals crafting images full of ambiguity in terms of appearance and subject matter.

30x40 cm

30x40 cm

30x40 cm

30x40 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

40x50 cm

50x60 cm

45x60 cm

50x60 cm

50x60 cm

50x60 cm

50x40 cm

50x40 cm