Exhibition title:Promenade
Promenade is a room installation consisting of wall-mounted portraits (with photochemical painting technique*) in which faces of no specific sex, age, nationality, place or time are portrayed, in a moment of absolute horror and imminent death.They are placed all around the walls of the space, in order to create a symmetrically suffocating human wall.
Military helmets, of different origins bearing intensively the traces of usage, are all around the floor in different positions, with no symmetry. Disorderly, almost irritably placed, create densifications and thinning leading to the reference of a symbolic minefield. Looking like upturned or straight turtles, the helmets contribute, with bulk tense, to the viewers adventurous choreography, forcing them to set their personal optical course.
(* Photochemical painting is a painting on black and white photographic paper. The procedure does not include the use of a camera and film. Instead of painting colours (oils, inks, acrylics e.t.c.), two basic processing black and white photographic chemicals are used - developer and fixation. The painting qualities are due to this unorthodox technique. In contrast to the darkroom, a “lightroom" is used, which is outside under the Sun. It is an actual photochemical painting).